Business, work and life in Germany in English

RU-GELD.DE - Information and analytical portal about Germany

If you speak English, live and work in Germany or are just interested in this country, you will find a lot of useful information on the pages of our website. Here you can find a calendar of vacations and holidays, a telephone directory, information about getting a job in Germany, benefits, pensions and many useful tips on a variety of topics. Besides the analytical information about the country, in dedicated sections of our site you can post information about yourself, search for or offer work, goods and services. Here you can share your experience of living and working in Germany, take part in the forum and write reviews on various topics.

§ Information section of the site

Germany country Getting to know Germany: detailed information about the country, its geographical location, nature, climate, population, languages, religion, traditional dishes and clothes, hobbies and sports, state symbols, political and administrative structure, federated states and cities and much more.

Immigration to Germany Immigration to FRG: information on more than 20 possibilities of immigration to the country, preparation of documents, obtaining permits for work or studies, business migration; as well as the conditions for obtaining permanent residence / residence permit, citizenship of Germany.

§ Online newspaper in Germany in English: ads, advertising business, news, catalogues

Free classifieds and business advertising in Germany: work, business, shopping This section contains news and major events, business offers and free advertisements from companies and individuals about the sale of goods and real estate, animals, provision of services, job offers, search for missing persons or lost things. It offers a search service, newsletter subscription, as well as lists of bulletin boards, catalogues of sites and companies in Germany in English.

§ Online shopping in Germany: catalogue and price comparison

Online shopping in Germany This section presents stores selling goods for Germany from other countries, including Russia, Poland, the USA and other countries, as well as the possibilities of buying, paying and shipping. The site presents their product catalogues, which you can browse through, as well as compare the offers you’ve liked. You can share your shopping experience at these stores.

§ Events and news in Germany

from 23.08.2021 to 27.08.2021 Summer Camp 2021 (language: Russian)
at the address: Darmstadt (GinCo e.V.)
Show on the map
18.08.2021 at 18:30 Online meeting of the literary club (language: Russian)
at the address: Munich (Tolstoi Hilfs- und Kulturwerk e. V.)
Show on the map
21.07.2021 Course for children (language: Russian)
at the address: Freital (Das Zusammenleben e.V.)
13.07.2021 at 18:30 Online meeting of the literary club (language: Russian)
at the address: Munich (Tolstoi Hilfs- und Kulturwerk e. V.)
Show on the map

View all events in Germany in 2025 and 2026

§ Current vacancies

Latest job offers, vacancies in Germany for foreigners and migrants:
  • Помощница по дому, Гессен
  • Водитель C/CE, Бавария-Деггендорф, Розенхайм, Нюрнберг, Пирмазенс, Йеса
  • Сварщик MIG/TIG, Германия, Саксония, Косвиг
  • Мастер внутренних отделочных работ, Пфорцхайм
  • Водитель категории С, Дюссельдорф

View jobs in Germany

Recent entries on the list of people being searched for in Germany:
  • Вагизова Римма Эльбековна
    Being searched for since 03.12.2024
    Searched for by Римма и Барногуль с целью: воссоединение
  • Тали (Руфина) Лабовская
    Being searched for since 08.11.2024
    Searched for by Сестра с целью: наладить потеренаю связь
  • Канев Валентин Юрьевич
    Being searched for since 11.10.2024
    Searched for by Отец с целью: найти дочь
  • Канев Валентин Юрьевич
    Being searched for since 11.10.2024
    Searched for by Отец с целью: найти дочь

View the list of people being searched for in Germany by their first and last name

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