Business, work and life in Germany in English

Everything about working in Germany: job search, open vacancies, drawing up documents and resumes, job interviews, work permits, fraud prevention and exchange of experience

This section of the site is devoted to employment in Germany. It is useful not only for those who live in another country and are interested in working in Germany, but also for those for whom Germany has become a home, and who are currently looking for a job. Here you will learn where and how to look for jobs, as well as how to prepare the necessary documents, including a resume and cover letter, prepare for a telephone conversation and an interview with the employer. In addition, a number of articles are devoted to general issues of the German labour law: the right to rest leave, sick leave, protection against dismissal, and much more. When looking for work, it is important to protect yourself from scammers, as well as from unscrupulous intermediaries and illegal forced labour.

We invite you to share your positive or negative work experience in Germany or to make your comments on the pages of this section.


German labour law

German labour law

Here you will find out what legislation in Germany regulates labour relations, as well as get basic information about working hours, annual paid rest leave, sick leave, guaranteed wage, salary rate. In addition, you will find information regarding dismissal and employment references.

Open vacancies in Germany

Jobs in Germany for people without knowledge of the German language

Information on why on the German Internet you can find a lot of job offers in English, Polish, Russian languages. This page contains all the latest posts about vacancies put in the Internet newspaper: both for skilled and unskilled employees.

How and where to find a job in Germany

How and where to find a job in Germany: 7 ways to search independently

In Germany, the search system for vacancies is very well developed. The Federal Employment Agency has at their disposal a number of excellent tools. In addition, there are many online labour exchanges, as well as search engines on these exchanges and enterprise sites. Job fairs are regularly held in different cities of Germany, providing for the contact between professional employees and employers of the country. In our article we describe 7 ways of independent and convenient job search in Germany.

Employment agencies, recruiters, job intermediaries in Germany

Employment agencies, recruiters, job intermediaries in Germany

If an independent job search does not bring the desired results, in Germany a job seeker can turn to the services of recruitment agencies and job intermediaries. In addition, a special type of employment is work in temporary work agencies. Learn about all of these agencies and the advantages of finding a job with their help.

Permit to work and stay in Germany

Permit to work and stay in Germany, the EU Blue Card, residence permit

Not every foreigner can come to Germany and begin working here, this requires a work permit. No permits are required for citizens of the EU countries, skilled professionals from a number of other countries have to obtain the right to stay or reside in Germany, as well as the right to work. Learn from this article where and how to get such permits.

Confirmation of diploma (nostrification), foreign education in Germany

Confirmation of diploma (nostrification), foreign education, proficiency testing in Germany

Recognition of qualifications, education received in another country is a process of comparison and possible equalization of acquired foreign qualifications with the local German ones. Some professions in Germany are regulated, which means that without this recognition, it is impossible to work in this profession. In addition, recognition of a foreign education degree increases the chances of getting a good job in Germany. Learn from this article how to go through the process of qualifications recognition, confirmation or evaluation of a diploma, how much this procedure costs, and what to do if you do not have documents confirming your education background.

Assistance and protection from forced labour, slavery, exploitation, human trafficking in Germany

Assistance and protection from forced labour, slavery, exploitation, human trafficking in Germany

When looking for work abroad, you can very quickly come across job offers from recruiters for forced labour and slavery. Find out by what signs they can be identified, how to protect yourself and where to look for help in a desperate situation. Here you will find helpful tips and stories of victims.

Fraud in job advertisements

How to recognize and protect yourself from fraud and deception when searching for a job and during employment

When looking for a job in Germany or any other country, you can find a huge number of ads that are placed by scammers in the hope of stealing money, property and even the identity of people looking for work. Learn on this page how to recognize scammers and what will help protect yourself from fraud and scammers.

Documents and information as to employment in Germany

Documents and information as to employment in Germany

To be able to get a job in Germany, a new employee needs to provide the necessary information and supporting documents. This includes a work permit, social insurance participation, tax number, and other information. Find out on this page what documents and data are needed and how and where to get supporting documents. The article also contains information on the conclusion of an employment contract.

Resume for obtaining work in Germany

How to make a resume for obtaining work in Germany: rules and examples of resumes in English and German

How to make a resume, a personal history report and a cover letter for a job search and job placement in Germany? Which font to choose? What documents are included in the classic resume and how to distribute them? Where to find and download sample documents for free? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this article.

Job Interview in Germany

Job interview in Germany: tips, questions, practice

Find out how the interview is held when applying for a job in Germany in person and by telephone, what questions they ask, how to prepare for and behave during the interview, appearance.

Sharing personal experience about working in Germany, stories

Sharing personal positive and negative experience about working in Germany, stories about working in Germany and Europe

On this page of our website, we invite you to share your experience in looking for a job, obtaining a work permit and getting a job in Germany, as well as read about the experience of other visitors to our site.

Assistance to migrants in employment and integration in Germany

Assistance to migrants in employment and integration in Germany: help services, counselling centers

Here you will learn about consultation/ counselling centers and support programs aimed at helping to integrate and find employment in Germany. Here you will find telephone numbers and search systems for the nearest consultations and help services that will provide you with comprehensive information and render practical assistance.

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