Business, work and life in Germany in English

Assistance to migrants in employment and integration in Germany: help desks, reference services, free consultation centres in English, German, Polish and Russian

§ Federal Office for Migration and Refugees

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) is the main government structure in Germany, which organizes consultations and support for migrants with regard to education, employment, qualification, language proficiency, and other issues of integration. The BAMF Central Help Desk as to the migration laws of Germany is available in the German and English languages by telephone +49-911-943-0 (within Germany, 0911-943-0) on working days and in work-hours.

The BAMF Central Help Desk as to the migration laws of Germany in the German and English languages: 0911-943-0

§ Consultation, counselling centers

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees supervises multiple consultation, counselling services for adults (Migrationsberatung für erwachsene Zuwanderer) and consultation, counselling services for youth (Jugendmigrationsdienste), which offer free-of-charge consultations on many issues in the migrants’ native languages including, among others, English, Russian, and Polish. Apart from providing information, such centers help in the actual resolution of problems and offer consultations on the free integration courses of the German language, recognition of qualifications and diploma confirmation, insurance policies, allowances, housing issues, etc.

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Free-of-charge consultation, counselling centers operating in foreign languages

With the BAMF support, the free-of-charge consultation centers have been opened in the following charity associations and organizations as well as in the Christian Church institutions in Germany. Some of those provide consultations in the English, Russian, Polish, and German languages.

Besides, some Russian Diaspora organizations in Germany, too, offer consultation services.

§ Support programs, integration courses

Together with free-of-charge consultations, different programs of support are organized in Germany to help migrants, and some of those are presented below:

Identity and Integration Plus The 200-hour course for integration available for the later in-migrating persons and their family members. The course conducted by various schools and institutions is financed by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. The course curriculum includes the issues of education, employment, as well as the daily life in Germany. Various trainings, included in the course, will be helpful, for instance, in finding a job and getting hired. Information on the given course is available in the counselling centers for migrants.
Initial orientation courses for asylum seekers (refugees) A learning course for refugees with the unclear prospect includes 300 lessons for introductory study of the German language and orientation in Germany. The course curriculum also covers the issues of job placement in Germany.
Otto Benecke Stiftung e.V. Higher Education Guarantee Fund Young people at the age under 30 years old, willing to receive higher education or have their diplomas issued in another country confirmed can be assisted by the Otto Benecke Stiftung e.V. Higher Education Guarantee Fund. This fund organizes the German language courses, pays allowances, and offers consultations.
Integration Through Qualification (IQ) Support Program Another program meant to help migrants is Integration Through Qualification. The consultation centers operating within its framework offer advice on such issues as recognition of qualifications and diploma confirmation, as well as on the available options for competence upgrading.

§ Employment support

Migrant consultation centers/ counselling centers provide legal advice on employment in Germany as well, however, the Federal Employment Agency in Germany provides direct assistance in finding employment, offering support in job search and actual employment, as well as pays our unemployment allowances. Read more about the Federal Employment Agency and the services it provides on a dedicated page of our website.

Detailed information and consultations on the confirmation of a diploma in Germany is also available on a dedicated page of our website.

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