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Average gross and net salary in Germany according to 2025 data

On this page, you will find information about the current average salary in Germany, as well as yearly data in EUR and USD. The data is presented for both net and gross salaries with full employment, including average figures for Germany.

§ Average Salary in Germany

Data on the average gross salary of employees with full employment in Germany is published by the Federal Statistical Office. Additionally, the Federal Government determines the average gross salary for the previous year and the preliminary average salary for the next year (subsequently adjusted), which forms the basis for calculations in the pension insurance system. These data underlie the information provided on this page. For more details on this data, refer to the section below on the page.

he average gross salary in Germany, with full employment, for april 2022 is 4105 euros per month.
(According to the Statistical Office)

The overall average gross salary in Germany for 2022 is 3242 euros per month. The precalculated salary for 2023 is 3595 euros per month.
(According to the German pension insurance)

§ Average Gross Salary in Germany per Month (before taxes and social contributions) in euros and USD

The table below presents data on average gross salaries in Germany with full-time employment and overall data for Germany, in euros, and converted to USD.

Table 1: Average Monthly Gross Salary in Germany for april 2022 and Preliminary Calculation for 2023

Data Year Salary,
in euros
in USD *
Full employment april 2022 4'105.00 € 4'444.48 USD
Overall for Germany 2022 3'242.00 € 3'510.11 USD
Overall for Germany,
2023 3'595.00 € 3'892.31 USD

§ Average Net Salary in Germany per Month (net, take-home pay, after taxes and social contributions) in euros and USD

The net salary of each worker is calculated based on their personal situation, including not only the gross salary but also family status, tax class, and other data. Therefore, with the same gross salary, workers receive different net amounts. Since data on average net salaries are not published by official authorities, we estimate average net salaries as follows: we use data on gross salaries (see above) and calculate the net salary for a single, childless worker, tax class Nr 1. In this situation, the highest deductions for taxes and social contributions are applied.

In general, according to our estimates, those receiving the average gross salary pay between 30% and 40% in taxes and contributions from their salary.

Table 2: Net Salary per Month for a single, childless worker with the average gross salary with full employment in Germany

Average gross salary according to the Statistical Office
Year april 2022
Gross salary 4'105.00 €
Net salary, euros 2'552.00 €
Net salary, USD 2'763.05 USD
Percentage of deductions 37.83 %
Percentage net salary 62.17 %

Table 3: Net Salary per Month for a single, childless worker with the average gross salary in Germany

Average gross salary according to theGerman pension insurance
Year 2022
Gross salary 3'242.00 €
Net salary, euros 2'112.00 €
Net salary, USD 2'286.66 USD
Percentage of deductions 34.86 %
Percentage net salary 65.14 %

We do not guarantee absolute accuracy in the calculation of net salary.

For information on taxes and social contributions in German salaries see the link.

For information on the average pension in Germany, see the following page: Average pension in Germany.

§ Changes in Gross Salary in Germany over the Years

Table 4 below contains data on average monthly gross salaries with full employment in Germany over the last 10 years. This data is published by the Federal Statistical Office of Germany.

Table 4: Average Gross Salary per Month in Germany, by years, in euros and USD

Year Salary per month,
in euros
Salary per month,
in USD *
Salary per month,
in GBP *
april 2022 4'105.00 € 4'444.48 USD3'438.55 GBP
2021 4'100.00 € 4'439.07 USD3'434.37 GBP
2020 3'975.00 € 4'303.73 USD3'329.66 GBP
2019 3'994.00 € 4'324.30 USD3'345.57 GBP
2018 3'880.00 € 4'200.88 USD3'250.08 GBP
2017 3'771.00 € 4'082.86 USD3'158.78 GBP
2016 3'703.00 € 4'009.24 USD3'101.82 GBP
2015 3'612.00 € 3'910.71 USD3'025.59 GBP
2014 3'527.00 € 3'818.68 USD2'954.39 GBP
2013 3'449.00 € 3'734.23 USD2'889.05 GBP

In the following Chart 1, based on data from Table 4, you can observe the changes in the average monthly gross income in Germany over the years (before taxes and contributions are deducted).

Chart 1: Changes in average gross income in Germany over the years


  • Data from the Federal Statistical Office
    The average gross salary in Germany, published by the Federal Statistical Office, represents the average gross salary that an employee receives per month with full-time employment (approximately 40 hours per week). When calculating the salary, data from the manufacturing sector and the service industry are taken into account. One-time payments are not included in the presented average salary.
  • Average salary according to German pension insurance data
    The federal government annually determines the average gross salary in Germany for the past year and the preliminary average salary estimate for the next year (which is later adjusted). This data is necessary for calculations in the German state social insurance system. The German pension insurance annually publishes the government-established data. Since this data represents annual salary, we divide it by 12 to obtain the average monthly gross salary.
  • The EUR exchange rate in the tables is taken as of 01 march 2022 and amounts to 1.08 USD or 0.84 GBP at the European Central Bank exchange rate. The EUR, USD and GBR exchange rates in Germany


Last updated:

Average salary in Germany 2025: gross and net

Average salary in Germany 2025: gross and net

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