Business, work and life in Germany in English

Germany Phone Book: Important phone numbers for life and work in German

Here you will find the phone numbers necessary for living in Germany, telephone codes, and learn how to make calls correctly within Germany.

§ German phone book

112 - emergency services phone in Germany.

110 - police phone in Germany..

Below you will find a list of important phone numbers, directory services, German hotlines for emergencies, and other necessary phone numbers for life and work in Germany. The help desks phone numbers and migrant support services in German and other languages can be found at the links below on the page.

Important phone numbers in Germany

Telephone number Service / Institution / Agency
110 Police, emergency call *
Polizei / Notruf
112 Fire service/ Rescue service *
Feuerwehr / Rettungsdienst
116 117 Emergency medical service *
Ärztlichen Bereitschaftsdienst
0711 7007 0 ARS Air rescue service
DRF Luftrettung
01802 222 222 RSA Roadside assistance **
ADAC Pannenhilfe
0800 4 5555 00 Labour exchange **
0180 6 99 66 33 Railway, service center **
Deutsche Bahn
08000 116 0 16 Helpline for women affected by violence *
Hilfetelefon Gewalt gegen Frauen
0800 111 05 50 Telephone support and counselling for parents
0800 111 03 33
or 116 111
Telephone support and counselling for children and youth
Kinder- und Jugendtelefon
01805 24 63 73 Legal counsel / Assistance of counsel **
0800 40 40 020 ТTelephone support for pregnant women, anonymous
Hilfetelefon Schwangere in Not - anonym
116 116 ТTelephone to block bank cards (for example, in case of loss)
115 State institutions help desk (for example, if you do not know which institution to contact regarding your issue)
030 19240 Emergency telephone number for the case of poisoning
11833 Reference service phone number on any issue within Germany **
Auskunft Inland
11834 Reference service phone number on any issue relating to another country **
Auskunft Ausland
01804 100 100 Exact time service **
** - charged call (at the moment of information input)
*   - 24/7 / round-the-clock telephone number (at the moment of information input)

§ The right way to call around Germany. How to make inland calls?

"0" - access to long-distance calls within Germany.

For calling around Germany, first dial "0" (zero) - this is for the domestic long-distance call (DLD), then the city code and the telephone number itself. For intracity calls, you don’t have to tap "0" (zero) and the code of this city. For example: you want to call your friend by 12-34-123 in Hamburg, Germany, so dial as follows:

City telephone codes in Germany can be found on a separate page of our website.

You can learn more about how to dial Germany correctly, as well as how to dial from Germany to other countries, through the links provided.

§ Special German telephone codes

A phone code is the beginning of a telephone number, a prefix, following which the telephone number itself is dialed.

Below you will find a list of special telephone codes used in Germany. A phone code is the beginning of a telephone number, a prefix, following which the telephone number itself is dialed.

On separate pages of our website, you will find
city telephone prefixes in Germany,
telephone codes and prefixes by regions in Germany,
mobile network operator codes in Germany and
international telephone codes for countries around the world.


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Important phone numbers for life and work in Germany

Important phone numbers for life and work in Germany

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