The salary of a police officer in Germany: average salary of police officers, firemen's, security guards, judges in the country
Find out how much police officers earn in Germany: the average salary level for police officers, firemen's, security guards, judges. The data is based on research by the Federal Statistical Office of Germany.
§ Average gross salary of police officers in Germany
In the following table 1, information on average and median salaries is presented, according to the Federal Statistical Office data for the year 2022. Salaries are listed by profession groups that may correspond to or be related to the professions of police officers, firemen's, security guards, judges in other countries. Gross salaries are indicated, before the deduction of taxes and contributions from the salary per month, excluding special payments (Sonderzahlungen), for full-time employment in Germany.
Table 1: Average gross salary in Germany by profession
Group of professions | Average, in EUR | Median, in EUR | Average, in USD * |
Professional groups: | |||
Schutz-, Sicherheits- und Überwachungsberufe Protection, Security, and Surveillance Professions** | 3'869.00 | 3'723.00 | 4'188.19 |
Objekt-, Personen-, Brandschutz, Arbeitssicherheit Property, Personal, Fire Protection, Occupational Safety | 3'537.00 | 3'276.00 | 3'828.80 |
Polizeivollzugs-,Kriminaldienst,Gerichts-,Justizv. Police Enforcement, Criminal Service, Court, Justice | 4'176.00 | 4'113.00 | 4'520.52 |
Gewerbe- und Gesundheitsaufsicht, Desinfektion Trade and Health Supervision, Disinfection | 3'801.00 | 3'516.00 | 4'114.58 |
Professional categories: | |||
Objekt-, Werte-, Personenschutz - Helfer | 2'539.00 | 2'397.00 | 2'748.47 |
Objekt-, Werte-, Personenschutz - Fachkraft | 3'107.00 | 2'954.00 | 3'363.33 |
Arbeitssicherheit, Sicherheitstechnik - Fachkraft | 4'969.00 | 5'121.00 | 5'378.94 |
Arbeitssicherheit, Sicherheitstechnik - Spezialist | 4'284.00 | 3'968.00 | 4'637.43 |
Arbeitssicherheit, Sicherheitstechnik - Experte | 5'555.00 | 5'169.00 | 6'013.29 |
Brandschutz - Fachkraft | 3'845.00 | 3'639.00 | 4'162.21 |
Brandschutz - Spezialist | 4'411.00 | 4'287.00 | 4'774.91 |
Brandschutz - Experte | 5'905.00 | 5'867.00 | 6'392.16 |
Badeaufsicht - Fachkraft | 3'138.00 | 3'106.00 | 3'396.89 |
Detektive - Fachkraft | 2'574.00 | 2'184.00 | 2'786.36 |
Inkassobeauftragte - Fachkraft | 3'537.00 | 3'506.00 | 3'828.80 |
Objekt-, Personen-, Brandschutz (ssT) - Fachkraft | 3'536.00 | 3'356.00 | 3'827.72 |
Objekt-, Personen-, Brandschutz (ssT) - Spezialist | 3'876.00 | 3'458.00 | 4'195.77 |
Objekt-, Personen-, Brandschutz (ssT) - Experte | 5'977.00 | 5'300.00 | 6'470.10 |
Aufsicht - Objekt-, Brandschutz, Arbeitssicherheit | 4'760.00 | 4'472.00 | 5'152.70 |
Polizeivollzugsdienst - Fachkraft | 3'206.00 | 3'163.00 | 3'470.50 |
Polizeivollzugsdienst - Spezialist | 4'345.00 | 4'365.00 | 4'703.46 |
Polizeivollzugsdienst - Experte | 6'167.00 | 6'030.00 | 6'675.78 |
Gerichtsvollzug - Fachkraft | 3'557.00 | 3'466.00 | 3'850.45 |
Justizvollzugsdienst - Helfer | 2'601.00 | 2'552.00 | 2'815.58 |
Justizvollzugsdienst - Fachkraft | 3'534.00 | 3'553.00 | 3'825.56 |
Justizvollzugsdienst - Spezialist | 4'204.00 | 4'145.00 | 4'550.83 |
Justizvollzugsdienst - Experte | 6'098.00 | 5'972.00 | 6'601.09 |
Gewerbeaufsicht - Fachkraft | 3'374.00 | 3'328.00 | 3'652.36 |
Gewerbeaufsicht - Spezialist | 4'311.00 | 4'283.00 | 4'666.66 |
Gewerbeaufsicht - Experte | 6'191.00 | 6'049.00 | 6'701.76 |
Gesundheitsaufsicht, Hygieneüberwach. - Fachkraft | 4'071.00 | 4'125.00 | 4'406.86 |
Gesundheitsaufsicht, Hygieneüberwach. - Spezialist | 4'369.00 | 4'090.00 | 4'729.44 |
Lebensmittelkontrolle - Fachkraft | 3'612.00 | 3'265.00 | 3'909.99 |
Lebensmittelkontrolle - Spezialist | 4'074.00 | 3'923.00 | 4'410.11 |
Desinfektion, Schädlingsbekämpfung - Fachkraft | 3'523.00 | 3'218.00 | 3'813.65 |
Richter - Experte | 6'981.00 | 7'189.00 | 7'556.93 |
In Germany, the term "Helfer" (assistant) efers to a worker performing simple tasks that do not require extensive professional training. "Fachkraft" (skilled worker) is a worker who has received professional education and performs skilled work. "Spezialist" (specialist) is a worker with technical or college education and a high level of expertise. "Experte" (expert) is a worker with higher education, experience, and performs complex skilled work.
Detailed information about the average salary in Germany and the average salaries for the countries of Europe and the European Union, can be found on an individual page of our website.
§ Salary information from job offers
The data in the table 2 is taken from the section "Jobs and job offers" posted by visitors on our online newspaper. Here you will find the latest job offers for police officers suitable for foreigners and migrants residing in Germany or labor migrants planning to move here.
Table 2: Salary information from job offers of police officers, firemen's, security guards, judges
Date | Profession | Salary information |
february 2021 (job offer on Russian) | Управляющий персонала на судостроительной верфи (Industriegebiet Süd, 26871 Papenburg, Germany) Work time: 40 часов/неделя | 1600 |
january 2018 (job offer on Russian) | Охранник (Город Берлин,частные и государственные объекты) Work time: Полное | Почасовая |
january 2018 (job offer on Russian) | охранник (Berlin) | 9,60 EUR + Zuschläge |
august 2016 (job offer on Russian) | Охранники (Дрезден) Work time: 07,00-19,00 | 1450 |
- The EUR exchange rate in the tables is taken as of 01 march 2022 and amounts to 1.08 USD or 0.84 GBP at the European Central Bank exchange rate. The EUR, USD and GBR exchange rates in Germany
- The translation of the group of professions and professions has been done from German using an electronic translator.
Information sources
- Salaries in Germany: Official statistics, salary tables
- Average wages in the EU countries
- Germany payroll taxes and duties
- German average wages by profession
- Average wages in Germany in 2025 per month in USD, GBP and euros
- Minimum Wage in Germany
- Minijob in Germany: Salary, Deductions from Salary
- Tax Classes in Germany
- Deductions from Salaries in Germany, Gross-Net Salary
- Bonuses, Supplements, and Allowances to Salaries in Germany
- Related topics:
- Minimum pension in Germany
- German labour law
- Permit to stay and work in Germany
- How to find a job in Germany
- Employment assistance in Germany
- Free German language courses in Germany