German state budget: budget structure, items of income and expenses, budget allocation by major items
This page contains information on the German federal budget, the critical income and expenditure items, the country's budget structure shown numerically as of 2024.
§ Information on the federal budget of Germany
The German state budget is the country's financial plan for the year to come or for the next few years at once. The draft budget of the country is prepared by the German Ministry of Finance (the List of German Federal Ministries) then this draft is discussed by the Federal Government and, after its adoption, it is submitted to the Bundestag for consideration. After consideration and adoption of the draft budget by voting, the budget plan is submitted to the Bundesrat, the Federal Council. After the adoption of the budget by the Bundesrat and its signing by the President of Germany, the draft budget becomes the law of the country.
The state budget consists of the incomes and expenditures general plan, as well as of several plans for each Federal Ministry; it contains approximately 2500 pages.
The Bundestag also performs the function of controlling the federal budget; they analyze whether the Government adheres to the budget. In fulfilling this function, the Bundestag closely cooperates with the Federal Court of Auditors, aka the Federal Audit Office (in German: Bundesrechnungshof).
As of 2024, the German federal budget amounted to 445.7 billion euros.
Table 1. The federal budget of Germany
as of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Year | Amount, euros | Difference YoY, euros |
2015 year | 299'100'000'000 | - |
2016 year | 316'900'000'000 | 17'800'000'000 |
2017 year | 329'100'000'000 | 12'200'000'000 |
2018 year | 343'600'000'000 | 14'500'000'000 |
2019 year | 356'400'000'000 | 12'800'000'000 |
2020 year | 362'000'000'000 | 5'600'000'000 |
2021 year | 498'620'000'000 | 136'620'000'000 |
2022 year | 495'791'475'000 | -2'828'525'000 |
2023 year | 476'290'763'000 | -19'500'712'000 |
2024 year | 445'687'863'000 | -30'602'900'000 |
Chart 1. Changes in the German federal budget volume from 2015 to 2024.
§ German state budget structure
The German federal state budget is a country's law containing more than 2,500 pages, its structure includes a budget summary distributed among the country's Federal Ministries and the supreme authorities in the country (including the state debt and general financial administration, i.e. tax revenues). Besides the budget summary, the state budget consists of many individual plans, classified or structured by functions and groups of incomes and expenditures. Table 2 below shows the budget incomes and expenditures distribution among the Federal Ministries and authorities. In the further sections below on this page, you can view the German budget structure by group and function.
In the detailed budget table, each line has its own digital code, which consists of the 4 components that follow:
- Einzelplan - Ministry, Department;
- Kapitel - chapter;
- Titel - heading (the group and serial number in the group);
- Funktion - function or purpose.
Table 2. The federal budget of Germany
as of 2024 by Ministry and Department (Einzelpläne)
Budget item | Income, million euros | Expenditure million euros and as % | |
Federal President and the Office of the Federal President Bundespräsident und Bundespräsidialamt | 0.10 | 47.36 | 0.01% |
Bundestag, the German Federal Parliament Deutscher Bundestag | 2.20 | 1'205.68 | 0.27% |
Bundesrat , the Federal Council of Germany Bundesrat | 0.05 | 38.95 | 0.01% |
Federal Government and the Chancellor of Germany Bundeskanzler und Bundeskanzleramt | 568.70 | 3'709.54 | 0.83% |
Foreign Office Auswärtiges Amt | 67.82 | 6'155.69 | 1.38% |
Ministry of the Interior and Community Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat | 719.13 | 12'902.61 | 2.89% |
Ministry of Justice Bundesministerium der Justiz | 666.08 | 1'025.00 | 0.23% |
Ministry of Finance Bundesministerium der Finanzen | 242.25 | 9'699.79 | 2.18% |
Ministry of Economics and Climate Action Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz | 745.73 | 10'995.25 | 2.47% |
Ministry of Food and Agriculture Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft | 101.57 | 6'830.00 | 1.53% |
Ministry for Employment and Social Affairs Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales | 1'842.05 | 171'673.50 | 38.52% |
Ministry for Digital and Transport Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr | 15'804.38 | 38'701.28 | 8.68% |
Ministry of Defense Bundesministerium der Verteidigung | 231.00 | 51'800.00 | 11.62% |
Ministry for Health Bundesministerium für Gesundheit | 104.32 | 16'220.50 | 3.64% |
Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz | 1'059.57 | 2'400.00 | 0.54% |
Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend | 259.04 | 13'351.44 | 3.00% |
Constitutional Court of Germany Bundesverfassungsgericht | 0.04 | 41.31 | 0.01% |
Federal Court of Auditors, aka the Federal Audit Office Bundesrechnungshof | 0.38 | 191.81 | 0.04% |
Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information Der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit | 0.09 | 45.40 | 0.01% |
Independent Control Council Unabhängiger Kontrollrat | 0.00 | 11.00 | 0.00% |
Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung | 765.10 | 11'515.50 | 2.58% |
Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building Bundesministerium für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen | 242.72 | 6'962.05 | 1.56% |
Ministry of Education and Research Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung | 51.25 | 20'300.14 | 4.55% |
State debt Bundesschuld | 18'719.00 | 38'930.77 | 8.73% |
General Financial Administration Allgemeine Finanzverwaltung | 403'495.28 | 20'933.29 | 4.70% |
TOTAL: | 445'687.86 | 445'687.86 | 100.00% |
§ Expenditures, the German budget allocation
You can view the state budget expenditures allocation among the Federal Ministries and Departments in Table 2, offered above on the page. Given that the country's 2024 budget amounted to 445.7 billion euros, on average, Germany's spending per 1 day was 1.2 billion euros, while Germany's spending per 1 month was 37.1 billion euros.
Table 3 below shows the country's budget expenditures by type of expenditure.
Table 3. The German budget expenditures
as of 2024 by type of expenditure
Type of expenditure | Expenditure million euros | As % of the budget amount |
Non-personnel administrative expenditure Sächliche Verwaltungsausgaben | 13'533.67 | 3.04 % |
Allocations and grants (excluding investments) Zuweisungen und Zuschüsse (ohne Investitionen) | 80'375.73 | 18.03 % |
Special-purpose financing expenditures Besondere Finanzierungsausgaben | -10'249.11 | -2.30 % |
Miscellaneous | 279'291.74 | 62.67 % |
Personnel expenditure Personalausgaben | 10'318.36 | 2.32 % |
Expenditure on investments Ausgaben für Investitionen | 23'421.77 | 5.26 % |
Military procurements, investments, etc. Militärische Beschaffungen, Anlagen usw. | 12'219.48 | 2.74 % |
Servicing (redemption) of the national debt Schuldendienst | 36'776.21 | 8.25 % |
TOTAL: | 445'687.86 | 100.00 % |
Chart 2 below shows the German budget allocation among the Ministries and Departments; the data for the chart are taken from Table 2, offered above on the page.
Chart 2. Pattern of expenditure of the 2024 German budget by Ministry
§ Revenues, the German budget income
You can view the sources of the German budget revenues by Federal Ministry and Department in Table 2 offered above on the page. Table 4 below shows the country's budget revenues by type of income, sorted by the income figures in ascending order.
Table 4. The German budget income
as of 2024 by type of income
Type of income | Income million euros | As % of the budget amount |
The EU own resources EU-Eigenmittel | -35'320.00 | -7.92 % |
Taxes, tax equivalent payments and other contributions Steuern und steuerähnliche Abgaben | 118.00 | 0.03 % |
Administrative income Verwaltungseinnahmen | 9'937.54 | 2.23 % |
Miscellaneous | 14'373.69 | 3.23 % |
Miscellaneous income Übrige Einnahmen | 43'926.63 | 9.86 % |
Federal taxes Bundessteuern | 81'912.00 | 18.38 % |
Community taxes and business tax levy; taxes allocated among the Federation,federated states and minicipalities Gemeinschaftsteuern und Gewerbesteuerumlage | 330'740.00 | 74.21 % |
TOTAL: | 445'687.86 | 100.00 % |
Chart 3 below shows the German budget income by Ministry and Department; the data for the chart are taken from Table 2, offered above on the page. According to this chart, the vast majority of Germany's incomes are derived from taxes; in the budget, they are defined by the line “General Financial Administration” (in German: Allgemeine Finanzverwaltung).
Chart 3. Pattern of income of the 2024 German budget by Ministry
Information sources
Last updated:

Germany budget: structure, income and expenses by year
- Information about Germany
- All about Germany and the Germans - a general description of the country
- Administrative and territorial structure of Germany
- National symbols of Germany: flag, coat of arms, anthem, buildings, mottos and others
- Federated states of Germany and their capitals in German and English
- Political structure of Germany: parties, elections, authorities, policy
- Germany budget: structure, revenues and expenditures
- Climate and weather in Germany
- List of all German cities ordered alphabetically in English and German
- Related topics:
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