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National symbols of Germany - texts and photos

On this page you will find pictures and descriptions of official and inofficial, informal, symbols of Germany: its flag, coat of arms, the text of the national anthem in English and German, information about the colours officially recognized in the country, national ceremonies, orders, awards and holidays, as well as other symbols of the country.

§ National flags of Germany and flags of the federated states

The main national symbols of any country are: its flag, coat of arms and anthem; they are the symbols of national unity. The recognized colours of the national flag of Germany, as written in the Constitution of the country, are black, red and gold. All of these symbols root back to the mid-19th century. The picture below features the national flag and coat of arms of Germany.

German flag and coat of arms

Each federated state of Germany has their own flag and their own coat of arms, they can be viewed on dedicated pages of the website, along with a description of each federated state:

§ National Anthem of Germany in English and German

The third stanza of the song called “The Song of the Germans” (in German: Das Lied der Deutschen), verses by August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben, music by Joseph Haydn, was adopted as the words to the national anthem of Germany. Below are the lyrics of the anthem in German and their translation into English.

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
für das deutsche Vaterland!
Danach lasst uns alle streben
brüderlich mit Herz und Hand!
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
sind des Glückes Unterpfand:
Blüh im Glanze dieses Glückes,
blühe, deutsches Vaterland!
Blüh im Glanze dieses Glückes,
blühe, deutsches Vaterland!
Unity and Law and Freedom
for the Motherland-Germany!
Let's all strive for them,
fraternally, with heart and hand!
Unity and Law and Freedom
guarantee us happiness.
Be blooming in the splendor of happiness,
prosper, Motherland-Germany!
Be blooming in the splendor of happiness,
prosper, Motherland-Germany!

§ Official national colours of Germany

The official national colours of Germany are: black, red and gold; these are the colours of the national flag of the country, they are specified in the Basic Law or the Constitution of the country. The colours used for various national symbols are usually taken from these three colours, either combined with each other or one colour individually. For example, the eagle, as a symbol of the country, is used by various government agencies and is usually depicted only in black, while some other symbols are presented in gold or red. Below you will find the Germany distinctive colours codes in the RGB-HEX colour scheme.

BLACK: #000000
RED: #FF0000

§ Orders, decorations and awards in Germany

As a homage for merits, in Germany, as in many other countries, people are awarded orders or other badges of honor: orders of merits for the state, the Silver Laurel Leaf, and others. The list below presents the orders and decorations awarded by the President of the country. Samples of these orders can be viewed on the website of the Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Orders/Decorations and awards in Germany

§ Cities as national symbols of Germany

Berlin is the capital and largest city in the country, so it is also a symbol of the country. However, there are other major cities and metropolitan areas, in Germany that are cultural and historical centers of the country. You can find a list of major cities on a dedicated page of our website.

§ Buildings as national symbols of Germany

A number of world famous buildings or structures in Germany are also national symbols of the country. Some of them are well known, others are mentioned but seldom. The list of the buildings and architectural structures, monuments, castles, being the national symbols, is presented below.

§ National mottos, slogans of Germany

Mottos are usually short phrases, slogans, or words that define aspirations or shared values. Mottos are usually used on national symbols, such as coats of arms, as well as on coins and banknotes. The most common motto in the country is the very first words from the national anthem: "Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit", which are translated into English as: "Unity and Justice and Freedom". The list below features other mottos or slogans in German that are used in Germany and associated with national symbols, along with their translation into English.

National mottos, slogans of Germany

§ National holidays in Germany

In Germany, there are 9 national holidays per year, the federated states independently establish additional holidays of their own. The main holiday of Germany, associated with the national unity, is the "Tag der Deutschen Einheit" - the German Unity Day, which is annually celebrated on October 3. Unlike other countries where the national holiday is the Independence Day, in Germany the main national holiday is associated with the unification of the Eastern and Western parts of the country, which became separate countries after the Second World War; the unification of the German Democratic Republic and the German Federal Republic took place on October 3, 1990. You will find a calendar and a list of all national holidays in Germany on a dedicated page of our website.

§ Animals as national symbols of Germany

The eagle is one of the oldest state symbols of power, it was used as far back as during the reign of the Roman rulers. The eagle is still the state symbol of Germany. It is depicted both on the coat of arms and on its own, without the coat of arms; the eagle is also depicted on buildings of state institutions, on coins and in other places.

§ Other symbols of Germany

Below are listed other symbols of Germany.

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