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German federated state of Saxony-Anhalt: characteristics, population, photos, major cities, climate, map and much more

On this page you will find interesting information, statistics about Saxony-Anhalt: major cities and the capital of the federated state, population, map, climate and weather, flag, coat of arms, photos of sightseeing attractions, ZIP code, phone codes and much more.

§ Brief overview of the Saxony-Anhalt federated state

Saxony-Anhalt is a federated state in the eastern part of Germany, which is one of the most sparsely populated states in the country. Saxony-Anhalt has beautiful nature, there are many rivers, mountains, parks, as well as ancient towns, fortresses and cathedrals there. The city of Halle (Saale) (in German: Halle) is the largest city of Saxony-Anhalt with a 1200- year-long history; here you will find the ancient castles of Giebichenstein (in German: Burg Giebichenstein) and Moritzburg (in German: Moritzburg). Other famous castles in Saxony-Anhalt are: Wernigerode (in German: Schloss Wernigerode), Merseburg (in German: Schloss Merseburg). In the northern part of the federated state there lies the Altmark region (in German: Altmark) - the least populated region in Germany.

Saxony-Anhalt has well-developed chemical industry and agriculture; tourism also plays an important role for the economy of the federated state. The scientific research centers are the university cities of Magdeburg and Halle.

§ Photos of the sightseeing attractions in the Sachsen-Anhalt federated state

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§ Population of the Sachsen-Anhalt federated state

The population size in Saxony-Anhalt totals 2'236'252 people. Of these, 1'102'454 are men, which is 49.3 % and 1'133'798 are women or 50.7 % of the whole federated state population. The population density of the Saxony-Anhalt federated state is 109 people per 1 square kilometer.

Based on the data in Table 1 (see below on the page), the Saxony-Anhalt federated state occupies 6 % of the entire territory of Germany, which is home to 3 % of the population of the entire country, they live in 218 settlements located on the territory of the said land.

§ Climate and weather in Saxony-Anhalt

Like in other parts of the country, Saxony-Anhalt has a temperate climate with warm summers and relatively warm winters. According to the German Weather Service (aka the German Meteorological Service) (in German: DWD), in 2023 the average annual temperature in Saxony-Anhalt was 11.0 degrees Celsius, while in winter the air temperature was on average 3.1 °C, and in summer 19.0 °C. The rainfall in 2023 was 735 l/m2, and the sun shone that year in Saxony-Anhalt for 1'705 hours. Click here for more information about the Climate of Germany

§ Capital of the Saxony-Anhalt German federated state

The capital of the Saxony-Anhalt federated state is the City of Magdeburg, in German Magdeburg or Magdeburg, Landeshauptstadt, with a population of more than 240'000 people.

§ Statistics, essential data about the federated state

Table 1 below presents statistics as to the data for the federated state of Saxony-Anhalt, as well as indicators for the whole of Germany for comparison. Besides, from Table 1, you will learn the percentage ratio of the indicator for the federated state to the indicator for the whole of Germany.

Table 1. Statistical data on the Sachsen-Anhalt federated state as of early 2017.

Descriptor Value as to the federated state and its percentage ratio to the indicator for the whole of Germany Value for the whole of Germany
Name in German Sachsen-Anhalt - -
Federated state type designation, in German Land - -
Abbreviation (code) of the federated state, in German ST - -
Capital of the federated state Magdeburg
(нем. Magdeburg)
- -
Territory, land area 20'452 km2 6 % 357'578 km2
The federated state population, all people altogether 2'236'252 3 % 82'521'653
The federated state population, men 1'102'454 3 % 40'697'118
The federated state population, women 1'133'798 3 % 41'824'535
Population density, people per km2 109 47 % 231
Number of administrative districts (in Ger .: Bezirk) 0 0 % 19
Number of counties (in Ger.: Kreis) 14 3 % 401
Number of cities of regional subordinance, i.e. district-free cities or urban districts (in Ger.: kreisfreie Städte) 3 3 % 107
Number of the federated state rural districts (in Ger.: Landkreis) 11 4 % 294
Number of municipalities (in Ger.: Gemeinde), i.e. localities or settlements 218 2 % 11'042
Number of cities 104 5 % 2060

§ The Saxony-Anhalt federated state holidays schedule

Every federated state in Germany has the right to establish holidays, days off from work, which are valid on their territory. On the territory of Saxony-Anhalt there are 13 official holidays. A detailed calendar of the Saxony-Anhalt federated state public holidays can be found on a dedicated page of our website. The school vacations schedule of the Saxony-Anhalt federated state is also established by a decision of the local government distinct from other German federated states.

§ Major cities in the Saxony-Anhalt federated state

In the Sachsen-Anhalt federated state there are 218 settlements, of which 104 are cities. Table 2 below contains a list of major, large cities in the said federated state.

Table 2. Major cities in the Saxony-Anhalt federated state in English and German.

Nr. Name of the city Name of the city in German Population size, rounded to thousand people
1 Halle Halle (Saale) 243'000
2 Magdeburg
(Capital of the federated state)
Magdeburg 240'000
3 Dessau-Roßlau Dessau-Roßlau 80'000
4 Wittenberg Wittenberg 46'000
5 Halberstadt Halberstadt 41'000
6 Stendal Stendal 40'000
7 Weißenfels Weißenfels 40'000
8 Bitterfeld-Wolfen Bitterfeld-Wolfen 38'000
9 Merseburg Merseburg 35'000
10 Naumburg Naumburg (Saale) 33'000
11 Bernburg Bernburg (Saale) 33'000
12 Wernigerode Wernigerode 33'000
13 Schönebeck Schönebeck (Elbe) 31'000
14 Zeitz Zeitz 28'000
15 Aschersleben Aschersleben 27'000
16 Sangerhausen Sangerhausen 26'000
17 Köthen (Anhalt) Köthen (Anhalt) 26'000
18 Staßfurt Staßfurt 25'000
19 Salzwedel Salzwedel 24'000
20 Quedlinburg Quedlinburg 24'000
21 Gardelegen Gardelegen 23'000
22 Zerbst Zerbst/Anhalt 22'000
23 Jessen (Elster) Jessen (Elster) 15'000
24 Genthin Genthin 14'000
25 Oebisfelde-Weferlingen Oebisfelde-Weferlingen 14'000
26 Möckern Möckern 13'000
27 Coswig, Saxony-Anhalt Coswig (Anhalt) 12'000
28 Osterwieck Osterwieck 11'000
29 Tangerhütte Tangerhütte 11'000
30 Oberharz am Brocken Oberharz am Brocken 10'000
31 Klötze Klötze 10'000
32 Osterburg (Altmark) Osterburg (Altmark) 10'000
33 Kemberg Kemberg 10'000
34 Bismark Bismark (Altmark) 8'000
35 Kalbe Kalbe (Milde) 8'000
36 Arendsee Arendsee (Altmark) 7'000
37 Jerichow Jerichow 7'000
38 Annaburg Annaburg 7'000

§ Flag and coat of arms of the Sachsen-Anhalt federated state

In the picture below, you can see the flag or flag / coat of arms of the federated state.

Flag and coat of arms of the Saxony-Anhalt

§ Saxony-Anhalt on a map of Germany

In the picture below, you can see the location of the federated state and its capital on a map of Germany. Map of all the federated states of Germany and their capitals.

Saxony-Anhalt on a map of Germany

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