The City of Gardelegen in Germany (in German it’s Gardelegen)
Brief information about the city, postal codes(ZIPs), phone, area, dialling code, international prefix, local time, population as of 2023.
§ Gardelegen: brief information about the city
The City of Gardelegen, in German Gardelegen, with a population size of about 23'000 people is a small town of Germany, covering an area of 634 km2, the city is located in the eastern part of Germany (formerly the German Democratic Republic) in the federated state of Saxony-Anhalt (The capital of the federated state is the City of Магдебург). The population density of the city is 35 people per 1 km2.
§ Gardelegen population, population density
The table below contains the population statistics for the City of Gardelegen versus the mean value per 1 city in Germany. This gives an idea of the city size and its population. Population data is sourced from the Federal Statistical Office of Germany.
The population of the city of Gardelegen in 2023.
Feature | Value | Mean value per 1 city in Germany |
Population size, people | 22'054 | 30'101 |
Number of men, people | 10'971 | 14'771 |
Number of women, people | 11'083 | 15'330 |
City area, km2 | 634 | 73 |
Population density, people per 1 km2 | 35 | 411 |
§ Gardelegen local time
The City of Gardelegen, like all other cities in Germany, has a single time zone, so the exact local time in the City of Gardelegen is the same as in all the cities of Germany:
Postal code(s) of the City of Gardelegen
The major postal code in the City of Gardelegen is 39638 (it consists of 5 digits, like all postal codes in Germany).
However, the following postal codes also apply to the city, depending on the city part: 39646, 39649.
§ City of Gardelegen on the map
To open the map to view the location of the city, click the next button. To open the map in full screen mode, click the button at the top right of the map.
§ City of Gardelegen phone code (or area, dialling code, international prefix)
For telephone calls to the City of Gardelegen, use its telephone code 3907. For calls around Germany, dial “0” (to access the DLD, domestic long-distance line) prior to the city code, that is 0 3907, and then dial the subscriber's phone number. For calls from other countries, first dial the international access code (which, for example, in UK is: “00”, two zeros), then the code of Germany 49, then the city code 3907 and the subscriber's phone number, for example: 00 49 3907 1234123.
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