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The list of all cities in Germany with the names starting with the letter "J"

On this page you will find a list of all German cities whose names begin with the letter "j" [j]. Go to the top of the List of cities in Germany ordered alphabetically in English and German.

§ The list of all cities in Germany with the names starting with the letter "J"

The list offered below features all the cities of the country as of 2023 in German along with a translation into English. The table also provides information on the population size in these cities, as well as what part of Germany they belong to: “W” – stands for the western part, while “E” – for the eastern part of the country.

Please note that the names of the German cities quoted in English may differ in different sources, due to the lack of uniform rules for transliterating, transcribing or translating proper names from German into English.

Table 1. Cities in Germany ordered alphabetically, letter "J".

City name in English City name in German City size Part of Germany Information
Jessen (Elster)Jessen (Elster)SE

In total, the list contains 11 cities with the names starting with the letter "J". To search for the German cities names by letter for crossword puzzles or arrowords, go to a dedicated page of our website.

Large city (L) is a city with a population of more than 100'000 people.

Medium city (M) is a city with a population of 50'000 up to 100'000 people.

Small town (S) is a town with a population of up to 50'000 people.


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The list of German cities names starting with the letter J

The list of German cities names starting with the letter J

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