Berlin (Berlin, Germany): organizations, news, postings about vacancies, holidays, people search
Directory of organizations and associations of Russian-speaking people in Berlin, job listings, events, and missing persons announcements.
§ Directory of Russian-speaking organizations and associations in the city of Berlin
In the city of Berlin (state of Berlin) , many friendly and open people live and work, united by the Russian language. Mostly, they are migrants from post-Soviet countries, such as Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine. They establish associations, cultural centers, and schools in Berlin that help integrate Russian-speaking migrants into the local community while preserving the culture of their country of origin. Below you will find a directory of Russian-speaking diaspora organizations in Berlin. Organizations may change their goals and names over time, so please check with the organizations themselves for accurate information.
Catalog of Russian-speaking associations in Berlin
Nr. | Name in German | Name in Russian |
1. | Deutsch-Russische Festtage e.V. | Германо-российский фестиваль |
2. | Deutsch-Russisches Forum e.V. | Германо-российский форум |
3. | Klub HAUS DERIBAS е. V. | Европейский интерклуб Дом Дерибаса |
4. | Verein CLUB DIALOG e.V. | Клуб Диалог |
5. | Deutsch-Russische Jugendinitiative DRJUG e.V. | Молодежная немецко-русская Ассоциация ДРУГ |
6. | International Guild of Writers | Международная гильдия писателей |
7. | Austausch e.V. - Für eine europäische Zivilgesellschaft | Немецко-русский обмен |
8. | Petersburger Dialog e.V. | Форум Петербургский Диалог |
9. | Russische Haus der Wissenschaft und Kultur | Российский Дом Науки и Культуры |
10. | Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland K.d.ö.R. | Центральный совет евреев в Германии |
11. | Botschaft der Russischen Föderation in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland | Посольство России в Германии Консульский отдел Посольства России в Берлине |
12. | Verein Bilingua e.V. | Центр поддержки двуязычия для детей и взрослых Билингва |
13. | Tatarlar Deutschland e.V. | Общество татар в Германии |
14. | Interkulturelle pädagogische Gesellschaft MITRA e.V. | Межкультурное образовательное общество MITRA |
15. | Theater "Russische Bühne" | Театр "Русская сцена" |
16. | Russisches Theater Berlin in der KulturBrauerei | Русский театр в Берлине |
17. | PANDA platforma e.V. | Платформа для международных деятелей искусства и культуры ПАНДА |
18. | Karussell e.V. | Сообщество Karussell e.V. |
19. | MITRA Lomonossow-Schulen gGmbH | Международная школа имени Ломоносова |
20. | Deutsch-belarussische Gesellschaft e.V. | Немецко-белорусское общество (DBG) |
21. | Interkulturelles Jugend- und Familienzentrum im Club Dialog «Schalasch» | Центр семьи и молодежи "Шалаш" |
22. | EviRick- Kinder Lernzentrum frühe Entwicklung | Центр раннего развития для малышей и их родителей «EviRick» |
23. | Bildungszentrum Wissensturm e.V. | Образовательный центр Wissensturm |
§ Holidays and school vacations in Berlin in Russian
On a dedicated page of our website you can find information about all the popular holidays, as well as the vacation schedule in Germany in the city of Berlin: Holidays and vacations in Berlin in the land of Berlin
§ Free vacancies in Berlin for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Kazakhstanis and other Russian-speaking people
The list below shows the latest posts about available jobs for Russian-speaking people in Berlin. To view detailed information about vacancies, go to the message you need by clicking on the job description. Other posts about work in Berlin and throughout the land of Berlin can be found in our online newspaper section, under the heading Work in Germany (you can also post an ad about a job search in Berlin there). For information about employment in Germany, see: Employment and work in Germany.
Vacancy Nr 69204: Management Assistant, Beril (24.04.2024)
- Salary information: по договоренности
- Language skills: владеющего немецким, русским и по возможности английским языками
- Working hours: с 9 до 17
Vacancy Nr 64510: Assistenten der Geschäftsführung, Берлин (24.04.2024)
- Salary information: по договоренности
- Language skills: владеющего немецким, русским и по возможности английским языками
- Working hours: с 9 до 17
Vacancy Nr 38702: Кладовщик в районе Берлина (12.01.2024)
- Salary information: 1500 €
- Language skills: русский, немецкий
- Working hours: 9-18
Vacancy Nr 74809: Ассистент-ререводчик (19.09.2024)
- Salary information: По результатам собеседования
- Language skills: Немецкий, английский
- Working hours: 9:00-18:00
§ People search in Berlin
Below you will find a list of people in Berlin who are being searched for by relatives and friends. Information on how to find a person in Germany, including in Berlin is also available on a dedicated page of our site.
Nr | Name, Surname, ⇉ | Location | Searched for by |
1. | Шляков (Шляхов) Валерий | Германия Berlin | Дочь |
2. | Анна Кичко | Германия Berlin | Племянница |
3. | Маламуд Алексей | Берлин Berlin | - |
4. | Игорь | Берлин Berlin | Daiva |
5. | Мардуев Сергей Михайлович | г. Берлин Германия Berlin | Одноклассница Наталья, родные, друзья. |
6. | Борисов Геннадий | г. Берлин Berlin | Сестра Яковенко (Борисова) Оксана |
7. | Фирма Germany Tour Packer Company | nch @ Berlin, Germany Tour Packer Company, Charlottenstraße 49, 10117 Berlin, Germany 49(30)26050 Berlin | Василевская Светлана из России |
8. | Давыденко Елена Ивановна | Мое - Молдова, Тирасполь. Моя мама - Берлин ( надеюсь ) её тел. с которого она звонила 00491632299767 Berlin | Сын Данила Гладких |
9. | Mielke | 1055 Berlin Wilhelm-Florin-Strabe 19 Berlin | Тюрина Анжелика и Тюрин Игорь Владимирович |
10. | Функ Екатерина | предположительно живет в Берлине Berlin | Сестра Лариса Усова (Пекина) |
§ News and events in Berlin in Russian
At the moment, there are no relevant reports about the current news and events in Berlin. Messages about concerts, exhibitions, readings and recitals, festivals, forums and lectures in Berlin and throughout the land of Berlin can be found in the calendar of events and news of the Russian diaspora in Germany. You can also post a free event announcement for Russian-speaking people in Berlin.
§ Links to useful websites
- Catalogue of the Russian diaspora organizations and associations in Germany
- German language instruction courses in Germany (free-of-charge lessons and courses)
- How to find a job in Germany (7 ways)
- Diploma confirmation in Germany
- Consulting centres and help desks in Germany for migrants
- Benefits for children and parents in Germany
Last updated:

Russian-speaking Berlin: news, organizations, vacancies, holidays, people search