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Find a city in Germany whose name consists of 3 letters

List of cities in Germany with 3 letters, search by name for crossword cue, answering quiz or word puzzle questions.

§ Popular cities of Germany – city names containing 3 letters

In total, Germany has 4 cities, with the names consisting of 3 letters; the table below features the most popular ones.

In a crossword, you are most likely to come across Ulm, Hof, Aue, Aub.

No City name in English City name in German

§ Search for a German city by letters and name length for crossword and word puzzle

If you did not find a German city consisting of 3 letters in the list above, search for a city by the letters you know in the city name: find a city in Germany for a crossword, for example: *l*. Also, our site presents a list of all cities in Germany in alphabetical order and lists of settlements by the number of letters in the name:


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Cities in Germany 3 Letters for Crossword Clue or Quitz

Cities in Germany 3 Letters for Crossword Clue or Quitz

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