Find a city in Germany whose name consists of 9 letters
List of cities in Germany with 9 letters, search by name for crossword cue, answering quiz or word puzzle questions.
§ Popular cities of Germany – city names containing 9 letters
In total, Germany has 263 cities, with the names consisting of 9 letters; the table below features the most popular ones.
In a crossword, you are most likely to come across Stuttgart, Wiesbaden, Magdeburg, Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Heilbronn, Wuppertal, Bielefeld, Karlsruhe, Oldenburg, Osnabrück, Darmstadt, Paderborn, Pforzheim, Wolfsburg, Göttingen, Remscheid.
No | City name in English | City name in German |
1. | Stuttgart | Stuttgart |
2. | Wiesbaden | Wiesbaden |
3. | Magdeburg | Magdeburg |
4. | Frankfurt | Frankfurt am Main |
5. | Nuremberg | Nürnberg |
6. | Heilbronn | Heilbronn |
7. | Wuppertal | Wuppertal |
8. | Bielefeld | Bielefeld |
9. | Karlsruhe | Karlsruhe |
10. | Oldenburg | Oldenburg |
11. | Osnabrück | Osnabrück |
12. | Darmstadt | Darmstadt |
13. | Paderborn | Paderborn |
14. | Pforzheim | Pforzheim |
15. | Wolfsburg | Wolfsburg |
16. | Göttingen | Göttingen |
17. | Remscheid | Remscheid |
18. | Ettlingen | Ettlingen |
19. | Geestland | Geestland |
20. | Neuruppin | Neuruppin |
21. | Salzwedel | Salzwedel |
22. | Spremberg | Spremberg |
23. | Wittstock | Wittstock/Dosse |
24. | Vöhringen | Vöhringen |
25. | Zehdenick | Zehdenick |
26. | Wittingen | Wittingen |
27. | Hohnstein | Hohnstein |
28. | Gütersloh | Gütersloh |
29. | Flensburg | Flensburg |
30. | Troisdorf | Troisdorf |
31. | Lippstadt | Lippstadt |
32. | Dinslaken | Dinslaken |
33. | Rosenheim | Rosenheim |
34. | Offenburg | Offenburg |
35. | Stralsund | Stralsund |
36. | Göppingen | Göppingen |
37. | Meerbusch | Meerbusch |
38. | Hattingen | Hattingen |
39. | Böblingen | Böblingen |
40. | Erftstadt | Erftstadt |
41. | Bergkamen | Bergkamen |
42. | Straubing | Straubing |
43. | Memmingen | Memmingen |
44. | Falkensee | Falkensee |
45. | Pinneberg | Pinneberg |
46. | Heinsberg | Heinsberg |
47. | Nürtingen | Nürtingen |
48. | Germering | Germering |
49. | Schwabach | Schwabach |
50. | Buxtehude | Buxtehude |
§ Search for a German city by letters and name length for crossword and word puzzle
If you did not find a German city consisting of 9 letters in the list above, search for a city by the letters you know in the city name: find a city in Germany for a crossword, for example: *t*t*****. Also, our site presents a list of all cities in Germany in alphabetical order and lists of settlements by the number of letters in the name:
- Cities of Germany 3 letters
- Cities of Germany 4 letters
- Cities of Germany 5 letters
- Cities of Germany 6 letters
- Cities of Germany 7 letters
- Cities of Germany 8 letters
- Cities of Germany 10 letters
- Cities of Germany 11 letters
- Cities of Germany 12 letters
- Cities with the longest name
Last updated:

Cities in Germany 9 Letters for Crossword Clue or Quitz
- Information about Germany
- All about Germany and the Germans - a general description of the country
- Administrative and territorial structure of Germany
- National symbols of Germany: flag, coat of arms, anthem, buildings, mottos and others
- Federated states of Germany and their capitals in German and English
- Political structure of Germany: parties, elections, authorities, policy
- Germany budget: structure, revenues and expenditures
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