Frankfurt am Main (Hesse, Germany): organizations, news, postings about vacancies, holidays, people search
Directory of organizations and associations of Russian-speaking people in Frankfurt am Main, job listings, events, and missing persons announcements.
§ Directory of Russian-speaking organizations and associations in the city of Frankfurt am Main
In the city of Frankfurt am Main (state of Hesse) , many friendly and open people live and work, united by the Russian language. Mostly, they are migrants from post-Soviet countries, such as Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine. They establish associations, cultural centers, and schools in Frankfurt am Main that help integrate Russian-speaking migrants into the local community while preserving the culture of their country of origin. Below you will find a directory of Russian-speaking diaspora organizations in Frankfurt am Main. Organizations may change their goals and names over time, so please check with the organizations themselves for accurate information.
Catalog of Russian-speaking associations in Frankfurt am Main
Nr. | Name in German | Name in Russian |
1. | Deutsch-russisches Integrations-, Kultur- und Bildungszentrum Planeta e.V. | Культурно-образовательный центр "Планета" INFRAU e.V. Strassenbahnen 12 |
2. | Botschaft der Russischen Föderation in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland | Посольство России в Германии Генеральное консульство во Франкфурте-на-Майне |
3. | Öffentliche Kultur- und Ausbildungsorganisation "Alle Zusammen" e.V. | Культурно-образовательный центр "Alle Zusammen" e.V. Филиал во Франкфурте (Ostparkstr.) |
4. | Öffentliche Kultur- und Ausbildungsorganisation "Alle Zusammen" e.V. | Культурно-образовательный центр "Alle Zusammen" e.V. Филиал во Франкфурте (Ostendstr.) |
5. | Deutsch-russisches Kultur-und Bildungszentrum Rosinka e.V. | Немецко-русский культурно-образовательный центр «Росинка» Margarethenhof Seniorenresidenz Rebstock |
6. | Nezabudka Kinderbetreuung gGmbH | Детский сад "Незабудка" |
7. | Russisches Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungszentrum "ISTOK" e.V. | Русский культурно-образовательный и социальный центр "Исток" |
§ Holidays and school vacations in Frankfurt am Main in Russian
On a dedicated page of our website you can find information about all the popular holidays, as well as the vacation schedule in Germany in the city of Frankfurt am Main: Holidays and vacations in Frankfurt am Main in the land of Hesse
§ Free vacancies in Frankfurt am Main for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Kazakhstanis and other Russian-speaking people
The list below shows the latest posts about available jobs for Russian-speaking people in Frankfurt am Main. To view detailed information about vacancies, go to the message you need by clicking on the job description. Other posts about work in Frankfurt am Main and throughout the land of Hesse can be found in our online newspaper section, under the heading Work in Germany (you can also post an ad about a job search in Frankfurt am Main there). For information about employment in Germany, see: Employment and work in Germany.
Vacancy Nr 74458: Workers laying fiber optic lines, Frankfurt am Main (19.02.2024)
Vacancy Nr 73217: CE category drivers, Germany (20.02.2024)
- Salary information: от 1900 евро
- Language skills: не обязательно
- Working hours: от 40 часов
§ People search in Frankfurt am Main
Below you will find a list of people in Frankfurt am Main who are being searched for by relatives and friends. Information on how to find a person in Germany, including in Frankfurt am Main is also available on a dedicated page of our site.
Nr | Name, Surname, ⇉ | Location | Searched for by |
1. | Галина | Германия Франкфурт на Майне Frankfurt am Main | Mama |
2. | Sergej Onucin | Франкфурт на Майне Frankfurt am Main | родственники |
3. | Глеске (Савкина) Наталья Николаевна. | Франкфурт на Майне Frankfurt am Main | Зайцева Зинаида |
§ News and events in Frankfurt am Main in Russian
At the moment, there are no relevant reports about the current news and events in Frankfurt am Main. Messages about concerts, exhibitions, readings and recitals, festivals, forums and lectures in Frankfurt am Main and throughout the land of Hesse can be found in the calendar of events and news of the Russian diaspora in Germany. You can also post a free event announcement for Russian-speaking people in Frankfurt am Main.
Current messages and announcements in Frankfurt am Main
17.08.2023 Rent out, hire a room, housing in GermanyСдаются 3 комнаты в центре Франкфурт-на-Майне. Жильё полностью обустроено, вся бытовая техника присутствует.
§ Links to useful websites
- Catalogue of the Russian diaspora organizations and associations in Germany
- German language instruction courses in Germany (free-of-charge lessons and courses)
- How to find a job in Germany (7 ways)
- Diploma confirmation in Germany
- Consulting centres and help desks in Germany for migrants
- Benefits for children and parents in Germany
Last updated:

Russian-speaking Frankfurt am Main: news, organizations, vacancies, holidays, people search